You Learn Life’s Lessons On the Way

YLLLOW is a place for people that want to learn differently.

Free from Judgement

Free from the constraints of conventional rules.

Meet the Team!

“Nerdy Steve”

Creator/Innovator/Startup Founder/Piano Method Patent Holder

This is the the Steven Jenkins that came up with the ingenious idea that is helping people around the world learn piano easier.

“Goofy Steve”

This is the cartoon character Steven that usually shows up to tv interviews and podcasts.

It might take a while for you to figure out that I am 90% joking and 10% serious most of the time. If you don’t laugh at me, I might actually get offended.

“Annoying Steve”

No explanation needed.

“Musician Steve”

This is the Steven Jenkins that is in love with music. I love signing, playing piano and recording in the studio.

Cool, calm and collected. Like the bubbles at the bottom of can of soda I rise to the top.

My Story…

  • “I'm  Steven Jenkins.

    I am a recovering piano student.  After years of struggling to learn how to play piano, quitting piano lessons, and then starting them again,  I stumbled on a concept that helped me to finally understand how to play piano freely.

    I was able to apply the concept in my playing, and now this method is helping thousands of other people who just like I was, are also struggling to play piano.  

    Before I go further, there are a few things you might find interesting about my story.....”

  • Playing piano does not come to me naturally.   Music lessons have helped me in the past but they never seemed to help me enough to be able to play piano.  I spent more time trying to learn how to play piano than actually playing piano.

    I quit piano of 5 times!  I tried so many different ways to learn piano that I felt like it was not going to ever happen. I kept trying because I couldn't get it out of my system. My love for piano kept me coming back.

    In 2010 while I was looking for something that would help me to be able to play piano, I stumbled onto the concept that later became the Control Shift Piano method.  

    My passion for music and my ability to write programming code, helped me to develop the program that help me makes playing piano easier than ever.

    In 2018 received a United States Patent for the Control Shift Piano method.

  • I mention all this here, to clarify that when I talk about making piano easier to understand and helping you to be able to play piano, I speak from actual experience.   I am not a "professional piano teacher".  In fact, I have been a student for so long that some might label me as a "professional piano student".

    I struggled for most of my life trying to understand music theory and how to read sheet music.  I took piano lessons from different people, hoping each time that I would finally be able to understand.

    I was the piano student that everyone expected to be great, but for whatever reason, I just wasn't.   I made great grades in school. I practiced. I practiced playing piano scales over and over and over again.  

    But, even after all of that - I still could not do the one thing I wanted to do most. 

    I still could not play my favorite songs on piano.

    I don't regret going through this difficult experience, because the pain and struggle that I went through is what helped me to discover the amazing breakthrough concepts that led to the Control Shift Piano Method!

  • Most piano learning methods are highly structured and have rigid rules that must be followed for the student to be successful. The Fun Piano Method is the exact opposite.

    Our method does not require you to learn anything about music theory.  You don't need to practice often.  And you can begin playing piano from day one.

    All you will need to do is learn how to use the tools that we will provide and your success is guaranteed.

    We make the process of playing piano so easy that anyone can really do it.

  • My goal is to make a difference.  

    I want to help other people who just like me were "stuck", feeling "unworthy", "unteachable", "unable" to play piano.  

    My story of successfully mastering simplifying piano lessons, is the beginning of the next chapter.  Now it's time for me to share everything that I have learned.  It's time now for me to help bring out the musical gift that lies within each of us.  

    I am 100% certain that by using The Fun Piano Method anyone can play piano without stress, and without having to struggle. 

    No more giving up! 

    Play piano the simple way!